We have an open PhD position. The PhD will be co-supervised by Welington de Oliveira. If you are interested, you can find a longer description of the scientific project here.
From February 3rd to February 5th, we are organizing a winter-school on numerical methods for optimal control of nonsmooth systems at Mines Paris. We have invited Armin Nurkanović to present a three-day lecture presenting his latest research.
Our work has been featured on NVIDIA's developer blog! [URL]
We are organizing the next edition of the Julia & Optimization Days in Toulouse, October 28-30th 2024. [URL]
Joshua Pulsipher, Sungho Shin, François Pacaud and Mihai Anitescu have been awarded the JuMP-dev prize for the talk InfiniteExaModels.jl: Accelerating Infinite-Dimensional Optimization Problems on CPU & GPU. [URL]
MadNLP and ExaModels have been awarded the COIN-OR cup at the INFORMS annual meeting! [URL]